
You have been working hard to produce good-quality, original content on your blog and you have attracted a decent amount of traffic by doing so. However, money is not going to appear out of thin air just because you have traffic. You have to turn your traffic into money.
There are several ways to generate profits from the visitors of your blog, and Google’s Adsense programme allows you to do so with ultimate ease..
First, Google’s Adsense programme is a really useful way to monetize your blog because when users finish reading your newest post, chances are they want to leave your blog because they have nothing else to do on your blog. If your Adsense advertisement block is visible on your blog, they might see advertisements relevant to them and click on them to exit your blog. Wowlah! You’ve just cashed in on your first virtual cents!
But yes, your profits will only be cents if you don’t “do it right”. This involves placing your Google ads in the right places and ensuring they blend in to your site so that they apper more like links rather than advertisements to your visitors.  The “hotter” a certain area, the greater the chances of someone looking at your blog.
Once you get a Google Adsense account, you can change the colour of your
advertisement text and links. You will want them to match the colours on your blog. If your blog’s text is black and the links are red, do the same for the ad blocks too!Another way to earn profits from your blog is to recommend products to your readers.When your visitors buy from the merchants you recommend, you get to keep a little commission too. This is known as affiliate marketing and it is very easy to start because
you don’t have to create your own products or services.